Good afternoon,       

We hope that you and your staff are doing well! As you may be aware, Meara Conway, the official disability and social services critic, has been collecting thousands of signatures calling the provincial government to raise Saskatchewan Assured Income Disability (SAID) rates. The Sask Party government’s failure to increase SAID rates has resulted in a staggering 20% decrease in benefits since 2012. With historic provincial inflation rates, this government expects Saskatchewan people with disabilities to survive on the SAID basic amount. This does not provide the means to address or relieve those in poverty, such as single individuals paying market rent. It’s time for this government to act on its promise to make Saskatchewan the best place in Canada for individuals with disabilities, and respect their constitutional rights by aligning its policies with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.      

Meara Conway is asking organizations, SAID recipients, self-advocates, families and supporters to join her Monday, March 20, at 12:30, in the Legislature to launch this important petition calling on the provincial government to address SAID rates in the 2022-23 budget, which will be announced March 22. You are invited to help her launch this petition, all are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you out there!

Date: Monday, March 20
Time: 12:30 pm
Location: 2405 Legislative Drive      

While not necessary, please consider confirming your attendance. If your organization has the capacity to provide transportation for SAID recipients within city limits, please let our office know via email at Attached is a copy of the physical petition Meara Conway will present at the Legislature. There is also a recently posted online petition on that you can sign here or share in your networks:

Kaitlyn Stadnyk
Practicum Student to:

Meara Conway
MLA Regina Elphinstone-Centre
Critic for Childcare and Early Learning, Social Services, Housing, Community-Based Organizations, Francophone Affairs, Ethics and Democracy
Associate Critic for Education
Deputy House Leader for the Opposition
Treaty 4 | 3510 5th Avenue | Regina, SK | S4T 0M2 | 306.352.2002