BFSK advocates for individuals with disabilities in the province of Saskatchewan. Please support the Saskatchewan Assured Income for persons with Disabilities petition.
Please download the petition using the link below.
This petition must be submitted in it’s original form not a scanned copy.
Please print the SAID petition, put no more than 3 signatures per sheet and mail to:
Meara Conway
2405 Legislative Drive
Regina SK S4S-0B3
We, the undersigned residents of the Province of Saskatchewan, wish to bring to your attention the following:
- That the Saskatchewan Assured Income Disability Program is a program for people with significant and enduring disabilities who have barriers to employment;
- That current SAID rates mean that individuals who rely on the program live well below the poverty line,
- That poverty has deepened because the SAID Program has not seen an increase in the basic amount in over seven years and does not account for regional realities of the cost of living;
- That this failure to increase the program represents a decrease of 20% of benefits since 2012;
- That the provincial government has cut many additional program benefits formerly available under the program such as the special diet allowance;
- That the provincial government engages in claw-back policies that have been found to be discriminatory, such as the policy of requiring individuals to apply for early CPP and then clawing it back dollar for dollar; and,
- That Saskatchewan people are struggling to make ends’ meet under historical inflationary pressures
We, in the prayer that reads as follows, respectfully request the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan:
Call on the Government of Saskatchewan to:
1) Increase SAID rates to account for inflation;
2) Respect the constitutional rights of persons with disability in Saskatchewan by halting discriminatory practices and aligning policies with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
3) Index the SAID basic amount to inflation going forward; and,
4) Provide targeted relief to those in deepest poverty, such as single individuals paying market rent.