February 8, 2022

Saskatchewan Medical Association

201-2174 Airport Drive

Saskatoon, SK

S7L 6M6

Barrier Free Saskatchewan and the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre Inc. (NSILC) are non-profit organizations that advocate for and provide education and resources, to remove barriers in the lives of individuals with disabilities.

During a public RDSP presentation hosted by NSILC, information was provided about RDSPs and all the benefits the Federal government provides for individuals with disabilities who open RDSPs. To be able to open a RDSP and individuals must be approved for the Disability Tax Credit. Many individuals with disabilities in Saskatchewan are recipients of the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability and thus would not use the disability tax credit for income tax purposes due to being low income. However, they are still required to apply for a DTC it to be able to open a RDSP.

It has recently been brought to our attention, by citizens of Saskatchewan, that many medical professionals are charging $80.00-$120.00 to have the Disability Tax Credit Certificate forum T2201 filled out.  This is appalling. Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability clients and people with disabilities who are under employed or unemployed do not have these funds available to get a form filled out that doesnā€™t guarantee they will qualify for the Disability Tax Credit. If they do qualify and are able to open a RDSP, they donā€™t see any immediate financial benefit.

This is creating barriers of financial security for our vulnerable population of individuals with disabilities in Saskatchewan. We urge you to address this barrier our vulnerable population is facing when trying to access RDSPā€™s to better their future. These barriers are taking away opportunities for individuals with disabilities in our Province.

Please address this barrier promptly and we look forward to your response.


Chelsea Wisser, Executive Director

North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre Inc.

Robin East, President

Barrier Free Saskatchewan