Barrier Free Saskatchewan
“Let’s be accessible”

Endorse BFSK at

October 29, 2021

Honourable Scott Moe
Room 226 2405 Legislative Drive
Regina, SK, S4S 0B3


Honourable Scott Moe:

Barrier Free Saskatchewan (BFSK) continues to be gravely concerned with the province’s Critical Medical Triage Protocol and unanswered questions regarding the issues of discrimination based on disability and/or ageism when rationing or triaging life saving critical medical care.
BFSK believes that life threatening critical medical triage will or is already occurring due to the current alarming COVID- 19 situation in Saskatchewan. We are appalled with the idea that any members of the disability community of all ages who need hospital medical care will be sent home to die based on the Medical Triage Protocol of Saskatchewan.
BFSK previously sent you letters on February 1st, April 23rd, and September 20th of 2021 outlining our concerns. To date we have not had a satisfactory response. This is unconscionable and we are insistent that you urgently respond to our concerns and assure Saskatchewan citizens the medical triage protocol of this province will not discriminate based on a bias of life’s “worth.” No committee, medical staff, or physician has the right to make decisions based on categories such as disability and/or age. Any such decision would be discriminatory and contribute to eugenics.

The province of Saskatchewan is currently involved in the creation of an Accessibility Act. An Act that ensures that persons with disabilities have the same dignity and rights as all other citizens in the province. Abiding by a Critical Medical Triage Protocol that does not value the life of persons with disabilities of all ages would indicate that the effort towards the creation of the Saskatchewan Accessibility Act is performative at best. Ensuring persons with disabilities will be triaged safely is a step in the right direction to indicate the sincerity of the implementation of a beneficial, valid, and life saving Saskatchewan Accessibility Act.

Barrier Free Saskatchewan requires assurances from you and your government that disability discrimination will not occur within Critical Medical Triage Protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic and that care will occur on a first come first serve bases for all without bias.
Accordingly, we demand guarantees to the following:
• The current Critical Medical Triage is sent to Barrier Free Saskatchewan effective immediately.
• The Critical Medical Triage Protocol must be open and transparent and most of all made available and accessible to all citizens of Saskatchewan.
• Triage Protocols are updated and regularly reviewed so that all biases, myths, and judgements concerning persons with disabilities of any age be removed.

Recently you stated, “the people of Saskatchewan have lost their patience.” It is now time to do what is right for all Saskatchewan citizens. Fittingly, Premier Moe, it is time you address and speak up for disability rights and our lives. It is time for you to guarantee our safety. Always remembering Nothing About Us Without Us!

we ask that you show respect and dignity to our community by responding to us directly and not pass this responsibility to any of your Ministers.

Barrier Free Saskatchewan